
Before going into the nitty gritty we'll briefly look into the pros and cons; the limitations of the package, what's currently implemented, and more.


Though {litter} is built on top of Shiny's existing handling of websocket messages it works very differently and as such there are a few limitations

  • Only works with bslib's Bootstrap 5.
  • These inputs are not captured by Shiny's bookmarking session
  • These inputs are not captured by shinytest2

These limitations are unlikely to be lifted in the future.


These inputs are currently available:

  • litActionButton
  • litActionLink
  • litCheckboxesInput
  • litColorInput
  • litDatalistInput
  • litFilterInput
  • litPasswordInput
  • litTextInput
  • litTextAreaInput
  • litRadioInput
  • litSwitchInput
  • litTextLabelInput
  • litTogglerInput
  • litRangeInput
  • litSelectInput
  • litSelectizeInput


  • All input functions start in lit.
  • All inputs have a value (even if it can be a vector of multiple values)
  • All inputs can be updated with update_input
  • All inputs accept a callback argument (Javascript function)
  • Labels are not part of the input
  • All inputs accept a send_on_render argument
  • All inputs return data in the same format:
  props = list(),
  id = "", # omitted if not set
  value = 1L

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